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Contingent & Executive Search

We regularly work on both contingent and executive search assignments. Depending on your needs we are happy to discuss and present a unique solution to meet your immediate needs.

Deep research

With each assignment we always conduct deep research into the requirements

The intake is one of the most important parts of a new search assignment. We deep dive into your requirements, your company, your culture and what makes you stand out to ensure that we not only identify the right talent, but also get them excited at the prospect of joining your organisation ensuring that when you find your perfect new hire, they are just as excited to join you as you are them.

We then prepare our search assignment based on the information we gather, and get ready to push go.

Leveraging data and technology to reach talent

We invest into and build our own technology to ensure that we can not only uncover, but reach key talent for your company

We have invested 100's of thousands of dollars into data and technology to ensure that our team has unrivalled access to talent and the tools to reach and engage them. Our methods ensure we cover the market more efficiently, and faster than any of our competitors.

We then ensure that our experts review each and every prospect to make sure that we maintain an incredibly high submission > interview > hire conversion ratio's.

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